Aerial parks are highly customized to the market needs and trends of your facility and it is imperative to take into consideration the course functionality and ability to manage and increase your profitability.

To maximize your investment, it is important we meet to discuss your specific business objectives as they relate to your clientele and operational needs.

As part of the initial consultation we can help refine the types of elements to install to maximize the safety, longevity and functionality of your aerial park. Our design experts will help present new technologies and industry products to keep your facility ahead of changing market trends.

A site visits is usually preferred so we have the most complete information possible regarding your project vision and scope. To maximize the use of your budget and refine the design of your aerial park, it is important we discuss the following key topics:

  • Uniqueness of your location, site access and environmental protection needed
  • Client profiles, new markets, changes in demand and the competitive advantage you are seeking
  • Facility operations, staffing, training procedures, and risk exposure
  • Budget and ongoing service needs (inspections, equipment orders, training)

More Information

The majority of aerial parks and challenge courses fall into two main categories: Single Track or Multi Directional

Single Track Design consists of a defined start and end point, linked together by multiple elements . There is only one option for the path taken yet multiple egress opportunities to exit the course if needed. The elements or activities along route are typically beginner friendly in nature to ensure participants can complete the journey. More challenging elements or zip lines can be left to the end with accessible egress points should clients choose not to participate. This style of design is good for family adventures such as canopy tours or organization seeking educational opportunities.

Multi Direction Design incorporates multiple elements at various heights within a contained space. Participants have the ability to choose their own path throughout the course allowing them to challenge themselves according to their comfort level and motivation. This style of course is best built on utility poles to maximize the use of space with more reliable strengths and directional opportunities at the anchor points.

Elevation works directly with each customer to identify the specific needs for your challenge course. It is important to us that we ensure we have a good understanding of your goal and budget, that we have answered all of your questions, provided sound advice and outlined the costs related to your project with a fair and detailed quote.

When looking at a new project, it is important to consider all the associated costs:

Initial Costs

site visit and evaluation
design and planning
arboreal inspection, if required
participant safety equipment
facilitator/staff training
equipment storage
engineering fees
operations manual

Operational Costs

annual inspections
staff/facilitator training
preventative maintenance and equipment replacement
future expansions or changing client trends

Professional and qualified staff are key to the successful operation of your facility.

It is understood that human error and lack of professional training are common contributing factors in most challenge course and aerial adventure park accidents. It is your organization’s responsibility to ensure your staff have received professional training to safely manage clients on course, operate the facility, perform routine inspections, inform clients of hazards and deal with any incidents should they arise.

It is common for many camps and aerial park facilities to have high staff turn-over due to the seasonal nature of the industries. Combined with the significant risks associated with working at heights and technical knowledge required to safely operate a ropes course, professional training is required generally on a seasonal basis.

Elevation has highly qualified instructors to deliver your staff training. We will customize a program for your site that addresses your specific exposure to risk. Our training programs focus on technical skills, to ensure your staff have the technical abilities to inspect and operate your facility as safely as possible, as well as soft skills to teach staff how to facilitate a customer friendly program. Elevation recognizes the importance of a staff training program that focuses your staff on learning to operate your special and specific elements while working with your particular group of clientele and your unique programming.

Professional Development

Elevation offers a variety of professional development and training courses for individuals working at camps, outdoor education centres, non-profit organizations and commercial aerial parks, zip lines and adventure tours.

We offer both certification and facilitation courses for outdoor educators, camp staff, youth workers, recreation staff, social workers, teachers and other professionals looking to develop or grow their skills.

Elevation offers customized on-site training that is specific to your site, course and staff needs and experience. All of our training programs follow the best professional and industry standards, and training is facilitated by our professional and experienced instructors who are drawn from people working directly in the industry, coming from a variety of backgrounds and specialties.